Monday, June 29, 2009

Adventures with PLDT MyDSL

So it's been almost a week since my net got raped by PLDT, again. I almost thought I got the advantage as to getting speedtests from like this:

But think again. While I got these amazing speed results from the speedtests, I always always got these crappy ass download speeds from my torrent software, thinking it was some sort of virus wreaking havoc in my computer. So I scanned it, I didn't find anything. I almost reformatted my computer. Called up the hotline at around 2 A.M. and luckily someone actually picked up and I managed to talk to someone halfway decent. He was actually doing his job! He managed to schedule a guy to check on my internet connection. The guy called me up at around 11 A.M., I was sleeping BTW, LOL. So he did a few adjustments to my internet connection and boom, I was surfing nicely again.

This is what I'm getting now:

Thank God they fixed it right this time. It took them forever to fix it. I'm gonna call up the hotline again and ask for my rebate. Those bungholes should give me at least that after delaying my blogging for days.

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