Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PLDT uses LBC for Billing

So I was just downstairs finishing my dinner and I see this plastic envelope that says PLDT and then LBC's logo on it on the outside. I come into the conclusion that PLDT now uses LBC for their courier service.

I'm all for progress. I'm all for improvement. But has our government gone to $h1t that even PLDT doesn't trust them with our billing statements? I mean it's understable that there have been occassions that the bill doesn't come and PLDT just suddenly comes by your house and hands over a notice for disconnection even if you pay on time. All I'm seeing here is just another expense that's just passed on to us, their customers. This is totally bogus.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that this PLDT/SMART/MERALCO innovation team also gets some ideas from MERALCO and not just a one way flow to MERALCO!

    Why not email bills to customers like Meralco does? And save money? Are stockholders listening?

    SMART bills are always late, I wonder why they even waste the money on a carrier (and printing envelopes and paper costing almost a million dollars a year I am sure?) when they just bought Meralco that does a wonderful job of emailing a bill to customers every month and makes the customer so happy as a result where he can pay ontime!




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