Friday, June 19, 2009

Bruno's Barbers Open for Service in BF Homes

So recently I've been hanging out a lot at Starbucks with my friend Mon and I noticed that David's Salon is gone. My friend says that they moved over to Pergola accross the road. And then eventually I see that something was being done with the space left over by David's Salon.

After a few days of hanging out there, I see the sign Bruno's Barbers being mounted up on top where what was once David's Salon. My friend says that his former stylist from David's told him the place's floor area rivals that of Pancake House and Starbucks put together. So I was just thinking to myself that the rent there must be killer. Problem with this place is that Starbucks takes up 80% of the parking most of the time and the rest by Pancake House. Rarely did David's ever have space for parking for their customers. Things like that are bad for business. But if David's actually lasted over 10 years there, I'm sure Bruno's Barbers can do about as well as they did.

It's not really open-open yet, but soon enough it will be.

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