Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Southville will EXPEL H1N1 infected Students

There will be a quarantine check in the school. Once found that you are infected, you're expelled from school.

I mean what the hell is the school thinking? Shouldn't they just worry about the student's welfare rather than reacting harshly to something they cannot prevent from happening?

It's bad enough the school has a bad sense for fashion, I mean talk about mint green and purple for a uniform. *LOL* Anyways, back to the topic. There are other ways of fixing this problem than just kicking out the students with the virus. They should just shut down the school first before anything. Get everyone to privately check their condition and just stay home once found positive with the virus. I know I'm sounding a little too idealistic to actually think that everyone would actually do something like that. But it sure is still a lot better than what that school has actually thought of.

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